Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Old Town Pocatello's Secret: Healthy Eats Right Under Our Noses

It may be a little tricky to find a restaurant in Pocatello that embraces a healthy philosophy when it comes to eating out.  Especially if that place still has an old sign from a previous business on it’s storefront.  Hiding under that disguise is The Healthier Place to Eat, located in Old Town Pocatello.  This restaurant uses fresh, all-natural, allergy-friendly ingredients that come together to make some unique and tasty dishes.

The Healthier Place to Eat
121 S. Main St., Pocatello, Idaho
I enjoyed my visit with Mila and Raymond Gouchenour, owners of The Healthier Place to Eat.  I was amazed by their tenacity to make their business work in a challenging market.  I was impressed with the planning that went into the creation and continuing development of what their particular restaurant will provide in the food industry world.  Above all, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the passion the have for what they do, and that passion shows through in the well prepared dish I was served.

Mila Gouchenour and I in the cheerful dining ara.
I am a big believer in trying new things when the opportunity arises.  So,I ordered the vegan lasagna ($12.49) with gluten-free pasta, vegetables, a coconut white sauce and topped with cashew parmesan.  The meal included a side salad with a great vinaigrette and gluten-free toast.  This meal was satisfying both in taste and volume.  And I can honestly say that the toast was some of the best gluten-free bread I have tasted. To learn more about the menu and dining experience at The Healthier Place to Eat, read my full review.
Vegan lasagna with side salad and gluten-free toast.

So, the next time you are looking for a restaurant that deviates from the abundant franchise options, give The Healthier Place to Eat a try.  And while you’re in the mood to explore new things, choose something from the menu that might be a bit of stretch for you.  You will probably be pleasantly surprised.  After all, cashew parmesan cheese hooked me into trying lasagna with a creamy coconut sauce and now I have a new favorite.

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