Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Don Aslett Is The Mr. Clean Of Pocatello

Don Aslett
Don Aslett started his company while he was a student here at ISU in 1957.  He has been helping the world clean ever since.

When he was younger, he was a member of the Boy Scouts of America.  Aslett pays it forward to the organization by offering advice to younger scouts.  He spent almost 10 years at ISU, but took a two year break to serve an LDS mission.

Aslett is a man full of advice when it comes to life.  "You have to really like what you do, life plan, do not career plan," he told ISU students at his cleaning story on March 13, 2015.

Aslett has a passion for cleaning and he has shown that throughout his career.  In 2009, he opened the Museum of Clean that is dedicated to the history of cleaning supplies.

He works 14-hour days and is still committed to come back the next day to do it all over again.

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