Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Alex Mosher Tail to Activism

Alex Mosher

In December of 2015, Alex Mosher rescued a kitten hiding in a dumpster. She heard the meows coming and brought the young cat inside from suffering through a freezing winter. This act not only reflects her love of animals, but represents want she wants to do in her life. Alex has decided to seek a career as an animal rights activist helping fight against organizations such as Sea World, zoo's and circuses that mistreat their animals.

Jack, the kitten
Although Mosher's passion for animals has led her to the perfect career field, she understands she still has quite of bit of school left before she can save all of the suffering animals. In the meantime, Mosher is enjoying her time as an sophomore undergraduate student at Idaho State University. Aside from working part-time and being a full-time student, Mosher lives a busy life full of adventure.

She prefers to spend her time outside, camping, hiking, traveling, and exploring. Experiencing new places with her boyfriend of four years, Colby Borup, is one of her favorite activities. Although her adventures have been limited to places within the United States, she hopes to travel all over the world one day. In the upcoming summer, Alex hopes to make memories of a lifetime with her family and friends.

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