Tuesday, April 26, 2016

California Animal Shelter Pre-Owned Cat Video Goes Viral

Shelter puppy waiting for a good home

Animal shelters around the globe are taking to the internet to showcase un-adopted animals in need of a good home. These shelters are making creative videos and posting them to popular websites like Youtube in effort to go viral and find these animals a loving family.
              Going all out, The Calgary Humane Society of California has done just that. They posted a video on their Youtube channel that has gained over 600,000 views in under a years time. The video parodies a used car dealership advertisement, but instead of pre-owned cars for sale, it's pre-owned cats.
A comedic ad of a pre-owned cat
The Calgary Humane Society continues their efforts to help animals get adopted. They are holding a fundraiser this summer to help care for the 7000+ animals that currently live in the shelter. Register today if you feel like helping an animal in need.

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