Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pocatello Kidney Doctor Fahim Rahim Contributes Locally and Globally

      Pocatello Doctor Fahim Rahim recently held a tolerance rally at Idaho State University. The rally was held in support for ISU's middle eastern students. The rally touched recent topic of home evasions, and racist comments towards middle eastern students.
       "We do not tolerate racism, bigotry, of divide," Rahim said.
Rahim is a chairman of the Jamshaid-Rahim-Mannan Foundation for Humanity. The JRM Foundation is a non-profit organization. Its goal is to improve women and children’s healthcare and education in third world communities. 
Doctor Fahim Rahim flying over Nepal Earthquake disaster zone 
      In March Rahim spoke at the Frank Church Symposium inside Idaho State University. During his speech Rahim promoted his Aid for Aid project. The goal of this project is to create role model women in third world countries.            
Doctor Fahim Rahim speaking at the Frank Church Symposium

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