Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Idaho State University event "CommUniversity" Sparks discussion of SuperPowers

    On February 10, Idaho State University featured an event, called CommUniversity inside of the Pond Student Union Building with free food, entertainment, art, and culture. While attending the event my classmates and I was able to interview a few people at the event.

    Adam Reed was one of the many people who attended the event and I was lucky enough to get an interview with him. When he was interviewed he was asked "If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?""The ability to morph, Shape shift I guess so that I could be whoever I wanted whenever I wanted." He then was asked what he would do with his super power and his response was "I would probably play a lot of tricks on a lot of people".When asked how it would affect his life Adam felt as though he would lose the trust of a lot of people. Unfortunately for Batman, Adam is not a huge fan of his and with his powers would become the arch nemesis of Batman.

    It was a lot of fun attending the sixth annual CommUniversity event and next years event is something to look forward to.

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