Thursday, April 28, 2016

Idaho State University Professor Charged with Stealing from Fellow Professor

Professor Judy Morris Being Escorted Out of Her Class
As a professor gets removed form her own classroom, DURING class time, students are left wondering if they've been taught be a criminal the entire semester long.

Idaho State University has been having some troubles lately, thanks to a few unsavory articles from the New York Times. Now, once again, their getting into the limelight in another less-than-ideal way. Professor Judith Morris has been apprehended in correlation with stealing pictures and distributing them to her students. The victim, Dr. Terry Ownby, was outraged that his colleague and friend did this to him.

"This was a real surprise, it's totally out of character for her," Ownby said.

Professor Terry Ownby Discovers his Work
Morris maintains her innocence, but her students are already starting to doubt her claims. Many agree that this is certainly uncharacteristic from their professor, but overall they do believe that she is lying when she said she didn't steal the photos. All this is just adding to the already worsening PR that ISU has gotten as of late, mostly concerning international students. However, this wouldn't be the first time a, ISU professor has been escorted out of class, as a year prior, one chemistry professor shot himself in the foot, with students in the room, while class was being taught. (The full CBS article can be found here.)

The students are eager to learn the truth behind their professor's alleged crimes, and are hopeful that all the videos and pictures they took with their phones of the incident could help ISU become a little more famous.

Don't forget to check out the full report on this incident:
Full Article

Or Watch the full story for yourself:
Raw Footage

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