Wednesday, April 27, 2016

ISU student Colton Bankhead dreams of Travel

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ColtonBankhead is a Sophomore at Idaho State University. Like most students he dreams about what he going to do when he graduates but instead of a dream job, he's looking for a dream vacation
Be Ready For Travel! 
 “I came to ISU cause it’s cheap.”, he said.
 Coming from Jerome, ID, Bankhead has made a lot of choice that make economic sense.
The scholarships he received for his GPA and SAT scores even softened the financial blow. 
             Bankhead says his financial situation is the source of many of his problems and he is attending school hoping to find a way to fuel his travel goals
“It’s just that everything takes money so I’m working on it” he said.  
             There is one problem. He doesn’t know what he wants to do. The classes he has taken so far have only been general studies and he has yet to find a profession that sparks his passion.
            Bankhead is not dissuaded by this. He knows one day he'll find the right job that allows him to travel the world.
            “There is an entire world out there but they (society) only live in one part of it.” he said.
             After three months, Bankhead is still chasing the dream at ISU and working for The Stephan's Preforming Arts Center.

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